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의대 전공과목/산부인과

임신 중 해부학적 및 생리학적 변화


체중 10-12 kg 증가,

비만 과체중과 관계 없이 LGA 거대아 출산 가능


복부, 유방, 둔부 엉덩이


칼슘 감소

relaxin, smphysis pubis / sacroiliac joint 이완


손과 손가락이 커지는, acromegaloid changes 말단 비대 


유추전만증 lordosis 

kyphosis 로 균형 


색소 침착 linea nigra, chloasma, mask of pregnancy

spider nevi, palmar erythema, 에스트로겐


striae gravidarum, 릴락신 에스트로겐 코르티솔

복직근 이개 diastasis recti


감각 예민, montgomery's tubercules 발달

clostrum 출산 전 프로게스테론과 에스트로겐으로 억제




생리학적 변화


심박출량 30-50% stroke volume 증가

HR 증가

BP 정상 또는 감소 1기에는 약간 감소, 후기에는 정상

혈장량 40-50% 증가, dilutionla anemia


호흡기계 변화




interstitial fluid volume 

bone marrow hyperplastic, leukocytosis normal 

se.protein concentration lower 5.5-6.0

colloid osmotic pressure decreased

albumin/globulin ration reduced. 


se. lipids up 46$

fibrinogen up 

urea and creatinine down, 

AFP peak 13 주

screening at 16 주 for NTD




Heart rotate anteriorly / upwrad

enlarged on X-ray

soft systolyic murmur,

pulse rate up, 

extrasystoles common


BP arterial BP does not increased. 

venous pressure normal 


vena cava syndrome in late pregnancy. 


capillary permeability remains unchanged. 



vital capacity unchanged


pain in the legs during night, 

CO2, maternal / fetal circulation down. 


ureter / renal pelvis dilatation

hydronephrosis -> pronounced on right, 


RPF increase, GF increase FF up 



Hormone up 

ACTH, ADH, aldosterone, cortisone, GH, TH 


amino aicd in urine : histidine, 

urea / uric acid / creatinine lowered

iodied clearance increased / plasma inorganic iodine leve reduced


bladder pulled up as uterus enlarged. 

at the vesicle neck and hyperemia of the trigone - frequence of urination

vascularity increase

varicosity and hemorrhage


bladder tone decrease

overdistention of bladder



renin increased, angiotensinogen, relative resistance to angiotnesin (in preeclampsia it is lost)

aldosterone for salt and water retention



alkaline pH hyperptyalism, 

Gums bleed easily

gastric activity reduced. 

gastric motility reduced


progesterone - atony

muscle cell 


constipation - special diet recommend


hiatal hernia : pushed and hormonal 


cecum and appendix upward. 



emptying time increased, 

cholinesterase, reduced. 

biliary calculi, relative biliary stasis 

calculous disease 



no morphological changes in liver, 


thyroid gland 

enlarged : diffuse hyperplasia, follicle formation, vascularity 


BMR increased, increase oxygen demand


estrogen increase response of pituitary thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) to TRH 

increase in TBG level


radioactive iodine,